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Do any of the following sound familiar?

  • fear of going it alone
  • self doubt
  • feel like you’re on a hamster wheel?
  • living in chaos
  • fear of future
  • procrastination
  • unclear on how to move forward
  • feeling alone
  • tired
  • not feeling heard
  • feeling like you don’t belong
  • in pain
  • stressed

You’re not alone! Trust me I’ve been right where you are now. Like a Blues singer – I’ve experienced it all in order to understand your challenges, and better yet, assist you to move forward.  Any and all of these obstacles can be remedied – allowing you to be the Warrior Woman you know you are!  She just needs a little assistance in coming to the fore.



to holistic self-help and empowerment.


to self, source and nature to banish fear, pain, indecision.


your powerful sense of self, confidence and vitality.

Be the first to subscribe! Special perks only for pre-launch subscribers.

Coming soon to a life near You! Why not Yours?

Ancestral-Energy is nearing launch. What is it?

Why do you want to be first in line?

Because you want to Awaken your ability to expand your horizons. Start a New Life. New Beginnings. New Attitude. Fearlessly!

What do I need to do?

All you need is a browser or smartphone and a will to succeed.

First step is to sign up for our pre-launch email list.  This will ensure you will be the FIRST to know about updates and when the membership site and course library will be launched.  You don’t want to miss the party do you?

There is no obligation to enroll in the membership.  Your email signup will entitle you to all kinds of perks and free material to get you started on your path.


upon subscribing to the mailing list you will receive your blueprint to “ Happiness and Success – How to Crush Your Blissful Life” .

And did I mention that all your bonuses are FREE? Yes, for a limited time just for pre-launchers – a reward for taking action NOW. Way to go!


two weeks you will have access to the e-course Feng Shui Quickstart, to start your journey to balance, health, manifesting & releasing.


special perks will be yours as well. For now they are a secret….. 🙂

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Ancestral-Energy Membership site

Sneak Preview

Just a teaser of some of the Modules within the upcoming membership site.   You’ll have access to these and much more if you choose to become a member when site is launched.

Each Module will contain pdf’s, tutorials, MP3’s, MP4’s, text lessons and all kinds of fun ways to learn & explore.

Coming Soon

Dream Interpretation is in the works.  Chakra Module will follow.

New modules every month plus additional juicy tidbits updated regularly.

What is being said?

"Well-honed intuitive skills and passion to share eclectic knowledge of energy, healing, and the magical inter-connectedness of life shines through". J.W., Ontario


"Because of your guidance I did grow outside of my comfort zone and have become stronger. ” B.D, Barrie, On.

"Your life experiences have created wisdom that you pass on to others. Your free spirit inspires and lifts people. I highly recommend this!" O.S , On.

"It opened my eyes to life patterns which were always there but never seen or understood". A.C., Canada

"This is something I would definitely recommend to anyone, especially if you feel stuck in a rut or feeling lost in life". Y.F., Ontario

Limited Time Offer

Get your goodies before they’re gone!

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♥ to hear of progress

♥ get new offers

♥ be entitled to special pricing

♥ get added perks by being pro-active NOW!


You can unsubscribe from the list at any time.

Watch this fun cartoon video for a little more info.

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