Having practiced and taught Feng Shui since 2005, I had the notion that I actually knew what I was talking about. And yes, I do – the issue is that I don’t listen to myself as often as perhaps I should! Life & Love were good.
Everything pertinent in my home is set up to Feng Shui guidelines so my life should be rolling along perfectly, right? Firstly, perfection on this earthly plane does not exist. Mighty boring if it did won’t you say? And I subscribe to the concept that all is as it should be……it may not feel great at the moment but lessons learned and new opportunities will prevail.
So why was my business & love life in a holding pattern?
All seemed as if it shouldn’t be so, especially since everything in my house was properly set up – after all I’ve been teaching Feng Shui for years – right? WRONG!
While rearranging I discovered (I always recommend trying to view your space from another’s eyes, have a friend assist or take pictures for an objective view), I discovered that:
A very large (dried arrangement) was in the career sector of office! For those that have read that one should NEVER use dried arrangement, know that there are exceptions to every rule.
AND the laundry basket was in the Romance and Relationship corner!! No wonder the men I had met lately seemed ‘stale’.
Since replacing the dried arrangement with a vibrant live plant and moving the laundry basket, everything sure has picked up!
I just might consider practicing what I teach more often. 😉