Thanks so much for arriving on this page.
You’re already one step closer to actualizing your well being goals! This is a time for You to take charge of your life and decisions.
Do any of the following sound familiar?
- fear of going it alone
- self doubt
- fear of future
- procrastination
- unclear on how to move forward
- feeling alone
- tired
- not feeling heard
- feeling like you don’t belong
- in pain
- stressed
You’re not alone! Trust me I’ve been right where you are now. Like a Blues singer – I’ve experienced it all in order to understand your challenges, and better yet, assist you to move forward. Any and all of these obstacles can be remedied – allowing you to be the Warrior Woman you know you are! She just needs a little assistance in coming to the fore.

Although each modality & all tools learned in workshops can have many pleasant surprise ‘side effects’ (all positive) I’ve listed a sampling of what you can accomplish.
Intuition development: for decision making.
Feng Shui: for relationships
Clearing the Clutter: for spring cleaning (inner and outer worlds), letting go of the old to make room for the new (people and stuff)
Reiki/Therapeutic Touch: centering, peace, pain, connecting
Neuro Linguistic Programming: breaking undesirable patterns, fears, procrastination
Past Life Regression: finding reason for recurring patterns or events
Ancestral Soul Dance: reconnecting to source & self, inner journey, meditation in motion, Fun!
By reducing or eliminating pain you will be more productive, happier, more positive, more active in sports or hobbies you’d like to reward yourself with, more time and energy to play with your children or grandchildren – or just be child like again yourself!
Some past students/clients have reported:
Learning to say no without feeling guilty
Protecting yourself from ‘energy vampires’. We all know them – they totally drain us
Ease of menopause symptoms allowing only changing the sheets once a week! And not having to wear summer clothes in the dead of winter.
Don’t feel alone anymore
Self confidence
Increased vitality
More energy
More stamina
Cutting relationship ‘cords’.
Just by diminishing or learning to transmute stress can improve your life and lifestyle dramatically.
Common effects of the relaxation response that are elicited from taking preventive or remedial measures are:
- promotes production of endorphins
- reduces anxiety
- reduces pain
- lowers blood pressure
- improves circulation
- enhances natural immunity
- promotes natural sleep
- improves concentration
- lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
- increases energy
- aids digestion
- reduces irritability, aggressiveness and agitation
- reduces need for caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and other drugs
- improved sense of well-being
Aren’t these enough reason to start?
The difference between a dream and a goal is action.
I’d be honoured to share this journey with you. Let us help bring back the Magic in Life – literally and figuratively.
Ready to ditch the shackles and thrive?
Click on the menu links at the top of the page to get the details on either the Membership Club or Online Courses.
See you on the other side!