MARCH 2017


Spring Equinox resonates with the young, playful, and new.

The sun brings the active growing cycle, so get ready to actively plant your garden (internally & externally) and your desires.

For the Spring Equinox – Fire creates the passion needed for you plans to burst forth from their seed form.  As the solar force, it demonstrates yin/yang  in the turning of day into night and night into day. The sun teaches you to balance your active, outward moving, daylight energy with the cool, restful, and reflective energy of the evening.   Balance is always the key isn’t it?

And on the topic of Balance…..Since the equinox represents light and dark in perfect balance, it provides you with an opportunity to bring balance to your life. Now is the time to take stock of your life and see where balance is needed.  With balance comes harmony.



If the answers don’t come readily to you – make a list of your daily/weekly/monthly typical agenda – or look through your day timer or online scheduler.  As with most, there is an excess of doing compared to ‘being’.


Schedule downtime whether it be meditation, a passive outdoor activity (my major go to is kayaking) and make it happen.  When we put it on the mental list it usually doesn’t happen.  It needs to be scheduled in – and honour this as you would an appointment for a client.

Commit to making the changes you desire.  Join us for daily, small, actionable tips in our members only Facebook group “Rescue your life with the bitesize resolution challenge”.   Have fun while supporting and being supported by like minds.  Check it out HERE

Suggestions for Spring Equinox manifesting:


  • Honour Spring Equinox by spending the day mindfully balancing activity to passive time.
  • Do anything that is fun to you and that gets your energy moving.
  • Put your passion to work towards any of your goals.
  • Express gratitude.  Check out our Youtube mini video for suggestions.  Watch here
  • Visualize, feel & want your plan – then turn your plan over to the Universe and give thanks.  We may be surprised in which form our plan manifests.
  • Subscribe to the prelaunch updates for Ancestral-Energy for more ways to evolve & manifest.  https://ancestral-energy.com


Follow the guidelines above; however view all from a point of releasing that which no longer serves.  You are coming out of your growing and fire stage.

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