Bite Size Resolution Day 6
Stop using expletives!#*#!##

Here we are in 2023. The last few years have been a ride! It’s also brought us back around to the sentiments and habits we may have adopted in 2016. I don’t even remember what caused us to think 2016 was a ‘strange’ year. Do you?
Many friends, clients & students have commented that 2016 was pretty much a WTF year. So much globally, personally and politically gone seriously awry. We seemed to be in a perpetual electronic Mercury retrograde, plans requiring much altering, health issues, so many losses. It did go on.
Unfortunately that very descriptive term crept into daily use. There will always time that the term will be very aptly elicited however it does not need to be a regular term. Like when we were raising our children – we needed to pick the times that ‘punishment’ of sorts were used. Save it for the big stuff.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Conscious effort will be made to stop myself before saying it and replace it with a more socially acceptable word. I can’t say apt – because when I do use the other it sure is fitting!

Let them blow away into the wind.
What habit do you intend to let go starting today?