Are you an Empath or Sensitive – what you need to know

Are you an Empath or Sensitive – what you need to know

Empath or Sensitive?

And what does it mean?


Both are equally awesome and both have their challenges. 

Take this quiz to find out which you are.





Weekend Retreat for Empaths & Sensitives

If you’re local to Central or Southern Ontario, then you’re invited.

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  • Blueprint to start your journey to balance, health, manifesting & releasing

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  • Special offers for members only.


Three commitment levels – starts at  Everyone’s favourite – FREE!


3 Love Feng Shui Tips You Need to Know

3 Love Feng Shui Tips You Need to Know

Having practiced and taught Feng Shui since 2005, I had the notion that I actually knew what I was talking about.   And yes, I do – the issue is that I don’t listen to myself as often as perhaps I should!  Life & Love were good.

Everything pertinent in my home is set up to Feng Shui guidelines so my life should be rolling along perfectly, right? Firstly, perfection on this earthly plane does not exist. Mighty boring if it did won’t you say? And I subscribe to the concept that all is as it should be……it may not feel great at the moment but lessons learned and new opportunities will prevail.

So why was my business & love life in a holding pattern?

All seemed as if it shouldn’t be so, especially since everything in my house was properly set up – after all I’ve been teaching Feng Shui for years – right? WRONG!



While rearranging I discovered (I always recommend trying to view your space from another’s eyes, have a friend assist or take pictures for an objective view), I discovered that:

A very large (dried arrangement) was in the career sector of office! For those that have read that one should NEVER use dried arrangement, know that there are exceptions to every rule.

AND the laundry basket was in the Romance and Relationship corner!! No wonder the men I had met lately seemed ‘stale’.

Since replacing the dried arrangement with a vibrant live plant and moving the laundry basket, everything sure has picked up!

I just might consider practicing what I teach more often.   😉


Love Life in the Trashcan?

Looking for Love?

Want to Change the Tune?

Feng Shui Secrets to Change Your Love Life!

New online course just in time for Valentine’s Day!  

5 Reasons Why Making Mistakes Is Good For You

5 Reasons Why Making Mistakes Is Good For You

5 Reasons Why Making Mistakes Is Good For You

It might sound crazy, but the reality is, making mistakes is indeed good for you. You may be surprised at some of the reasons why, so keep on reading this article to know more!

  1. You learn what you need to improve on

If you’ve got a checklist of things you need to do for your system to work, and you make a mistake, then you know you need to remove that item from your list and replace it with a much better option.

In short, mistakes help you improve your systems and processes. Through trial and error, you’re making your systems run more efficiently and effectively.

  1. Making mistakes mean you’re taking action

At least you’re doing something right? If you’re not doing anything, you’re never going to find out if something’s working or not. You’ll just assume it’s working because that’s what it says on the theoretical tin box.

But when you take action, you learn which methods and which processes are wrong or are not a good fit for your system.

  1. Mistakes make you smarter

When you make mistakes, you’re forced to think of another way to make sure your system runs correctly. By experimenting, you become smarter than you were before you failed.

By committing mistakes, your mind is able to think outside the box. You start getting creative just to arrive at a solution that will help fix your problems, whatever it may be.

  1. Mistakes give you another opportunity to start over

Just because you made a mistake or you failed doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. Far from it, in fact. Because when you make a mistake, it gives you a fresh start, an opportunity to start over. And while you’re rebooting, you can go through and review your processes and see how you can further improve it.

4 Ways Success will follow Belief in Yourself

4 Ways Success will follow Belief in Yourself

We’re all supposed to love ourselves

and everyone in their right minds would say they love themselves.

But when it comes to success, many people lack the belief that they can actually succeed at anything, which is quite sad, to be honest.

So, in this article, you’re going to be learning four different ways believing in yourself will help you become successful.


  1. It will be easier to succeed if you actually believe you can do it

If you want to achieve something, you’re going to have to ask yourself, “Do I really think I can do this?”

If you answered in the affirmative, then good for you. However, if you hesitated, or if you said “no” outright, then you need to change your mindset. When you doubt your abilities and your skills, you’ll find it hard to proceed with your goals. A lot of people may discourage you from going after your dreams.

Now, if you don’t believe in yourself, then you’re not going to be able to do a good job of convincing others that you can succeed at anything.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison

2.  You build self-confidence that’s essential to succeeding in life

Believing that you can do it will help you build self-confidence. When you’re confident, you’ll be able to convince yourself and the people around you to do your bidding. They’re not going to doubt for a moment that you’re going to succeed.

It might be tough when you think about it, but if you really believe in yourself, then you know that you’ll do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams.


3.  You develop a more positive attitude and let go of negative ones

When you believe in yourself, you develop a can-do attitude. You say “yes” to everything that can help you reach your goals faster, and “no” to anything that will set you back.


4.  You become more optimistic about your future

Believing in yourself will make you more positive about your future. Nothing can stop you in your tracks and prevent you from progressing any further.

You view failure as nothing more than a temporary setback, and you won’t let it hinder you from reaching your goals.

Your self-belief will allow you to see through opportunities that are hiding in plain sight, and because of this, your future will look so much brighter than it does now.


Comfort Zone Fails – 3 ways to Stop

Comfort Zone Fails – 3 ways to Stop

3 Ways Your Comfort Zone Is Helping You Fail

We’ve all got our comfort zones. And to be honest, they are pretty important. It’s where we are able to do the things we love without being worried about what other people will say. It shelters us from the rest of the world.

It might come as a surprise, however, but if you want to succeed in life, then you’re going to have to step out of your comfort zone. Here are 3 ways your comfort zone is helping you fail:

  1. It’s not letting you grow

When you remain for far too long in your comfort zone, you’re not growing. You’re stuck in a status quo. You’re trapped in limbo because you’re not out exploring new things, learning about new stuff.

Your talents will all be wasted because you’re not progressing into what you want to be. You’re not able to explore your potential, and you’re not able to live your life to the fullest.

If you want to grow as a person, and you want to go chase your life’s goals, then you have to step outside your comfort zone. You’re going to have to grow up and face the real challenges in the outside world.

  1. It’s not letting you take risks

Part of the journey to succeeding in life is taking risks. Whether it be small risks or huge life-changing risks, you’re going to have to take it whether you like it or not.

If you can’t even take the risk of stepping out of your comfort zone for even a single second, then you’re not going to find success in anything.

You’ll be trapped doing the same thing over and over until you’re gone from this world. If you want to see or do something different, then you’re going to have start learning how to take risks and accept the outcome.

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
― Roy T. Bennett

  1. It’s not letting you experience the world in real time

When you’re in your comfort zone, you’re stuck in a time loop. You’re using the same techniques and the same methods from when you started hiding out in your comfort zone.

You’re too afraid to experiment and try out new technologies which can help you grow. You’re living life extra cautiously, always peeking in from the outside, never in the center of things. When you live like this, you’ll never be able to succeed at anything.

So what can you do?  Stay tuned for more in the next blog post.

In the meantime try changing something every day.  A new route to work, a different way of styling your hair, saying yes to something  that you were automatically going to say no.

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