By applying these techniques of Feng Shui  for children you should be well on your way to creating healthy, harmonious surroundings for your family.

Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) is the ancient Chinese art and science of placement. Basically, the intent is to harness the earth’s natural energies to create harmonious living conditions and balance. Balance is always the key to healthy living.

Chi is the energy that animates; it is our life force. The flow of chi needs to be balanced. Too slow promotes stagnation (just think of a blocked off pond) and too fast promotes hyperactivity and discord.

The simplest way to start to obtain this balance is to be mindful of the yin and yang concept. Each colour, texture, shape, scent and sound is either yin or yang. There are many books available to help you choose which are which.

If a child is behaving yang-like by being too hyper, loud or dominant then amplify the yin in his/her surroundings. Likewise if the child is being too passive, tired or slow moving, add yang to their life.

Here are a few tips to get started using foods, colour, de-cluttering, scent and a few other easy tools.
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