Energy work, Gratitude, Life Choices, Perspective, Public
Music melts pain.with gratitude.
How you ever noticed how fabulous music can make pain, worry, stress just vanish? Perspective and mood change as well. It is with gratitude that I tell this story.
I’ve had a few glitches from a snowshoe fall last week. Of course not in the deeper snow in the bush but in the parking lot. Yesterday I decided to break from far too much computer work and catch the MET Opera simulcast. 4 ½ hours of deeply moving music made the world disappear. Then a spontaneous invitation to have dinner at a friends house was offered. I had planned on getting back to the computer but…… always rules. Lovely visit, wonderful meal and a sharing of their travels to Iceland stories vaporized that evening. I’ve planned a trip to Iceland on the way to Sweden this spring therefore was very interested in their opinions.
This morning upon awaking I attempted to chastise myself for not getting as much done yesterday as planned. However, soon found that feeding my soul yesterday gave me that much more oomph to forge ahead this morning. As the afternoon approached, I again let the mind take over and started on the slide into grumpiness that I soon had to change and go out.
A friend had invited me to a classical concert. We found out a few days ago that Hugo Wolf String Quartet had cancelled and I was wishing I could just stay in and make my mark in my online programming. Of course I wouldn’t let a friend down and computer neck was starting up. I was delighted to find that the substitute was the amazing Gryphon Trio. Their selection of music and expertise was just what I needed.
By midway I had forgotten there was a world outside the hall, neck glitch was gone and I left there with a spring to my step that had been absent on the way in.
The point of this rambling is……
NEVER turn down an opportunity to hear music of any nature, let alone world class performers. You can never go wrong as music truly is a sure fire way to nourish your soul. And for me, strings work their magic on my heart as well. Everything is an energetic vibration – find the ones that resonate with you the most. Partake with gratitude. Go out and book a concert, listen to local music or just hug a musician. Where would we be without them?
Bite Size Resolution Challenge, Public
Prepare for Summer Solstice – nourish your soul
As we prepare for Summer Solstice do something nice for yourself each and every day
Start preparing for Summer Solstice now by taking these daily steps.
It can be the same thing each day such as starting your day with yoga or meditation, or ending your day reading your favourite poetry. Or it can be something different each day – planned on a whim or what is needed.
Today was spent with a clients, errands and valiantly trying to catch up on coursework without much success. So do I forge ahead and probably be fairly unproductive, settle in to ‘make’ myself do computer work? I can be fairly certain continuing to work at the computer will result in stiffness and perhaps feeling tired. Reading in front of the fire with a nice cup of tea will be wonderful, but how will I feel? Will I feel like I wasted the day?
“My whole teaching is this; accept yourself, love yourself, and celebrate yourself.” Osho
Do I or do I not?
As much as getting changed again and going out into the cool damp day did not appeal whatsoever, I knew how I will feel if I did go for a walk. Awesome! And invigorated and stress free.
I had a recording of a reading I wished to revisit – so for the one and only time thus far – took my phone with me on the walk to listen in. Interesting experience. I enjoyed having the time to listen to the recording while also getting fresh air and exercise. That, to me was a three-fold win/win situation. Actually four as it was a break from the computer..
So you need to trade off the pros and cons but more so, thinking about the end results of each choice. How good will you feel?
Which one calls to You? Which will reap the most benefit?
Well….I’d love to stay and chat but I have to go get more work done on our upcoming Summer Solstice Retreat.
If you live near Barrie, On then please consider joining us. A fusion of Ancient Ayurveda and the Olde ways of NW Europe will be sure to create a magical day.
Click here for more detail.
Today I will ………what will/did you do for yourself today?
Visit last months New Moon post for ideas. You can do these on the next new moon in preparation for Solstice as well.
Click here to access.
Bite Size Resolution Challenge, Public
Bite Size Resolution Day 6
Stop using expletives!#*#!##
Here we are in 2023. The last few years have been a ride! It’s also brought us back around to the sentiments and habits we may have adopted in 2016. I don’t even remember what caused us to think 2016 was a ‘strange’ year. Do you?
Many friends, clients & students have commented that 2016 was pretty much a WTF year. So much globally, personally and politically gone seriously awry. We seemed to be in a perpetual electronic Mercury retrograde, plans requiring much altering, health issues, so many losses. It did go on.
Unfortunately that very descriptive term crept into daily use. There will always time that the term will be very aptly elicited however it does not need to be a regular term. Like when we were raising our children – we needed to pick the times that ‘punishment’ of sorts were used. Save it for the big stuff.
Must swear off from swearing. Bad habit.
Rutherford B. Hayes
I don’t think in the 27 years my ex and I were together that he ever heard me drop the F bomb. Swearing just wasn’t something I did. Gives an idea of what a year this past one was – and of course I’ll lay some blame on my younger friends as a bad influence. 😉
Conscious effort will be made to stop myself before saying it and replace it with a more socially acceptable word. I can’t say apt – because when I do use the other it sure is fitting!
You can do this with any habit or thought form. Don’t admonish yourself when whatever you wished to change pops in, just acknowledge it and send it away. It took time to create whatever pattern you are demonstrating and may take time to make corrections or modifications.
Let them blow away into the wind.
What habit do you intend to let go starting today?
Perspective, Public, Uncategorized
Excitement, fear and peace….all in one
Watch this video clip and decide for yourself.
Baumgartner’s space jump
How exhilarating and humbling!
This is how I view that life should be.
The perfect job, relationship, hobby, event et al could be the exact combination needed of all.
Just think what being with a partner that gave you the comfort of your favourite sweater but still after years ‘made your tail wag’. Dog lovers will get this one.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to go to work each day with that combination of belonging yet a touch of that little kid magic of what the day will bring?
I see kayaking in this light.
I love the peace and connectedness of floating on a river (gives me the combination of both water and forest) coupled with the charge of turbulent water or waves/wind that I receive due to my inability to swim and fear of water.
I love being on or near the water but cannot put my face in. Which leads me to fear…..
We all have our fears. Although many might say they are irrational but to our minds, emotions and physiology they are very real. Why let fear stand in the way of doing something memory making?
Is overcoming fear possible?
I have overcome or at least side stepped some of my fears because I was born with insatiable curiosity. Wanting to know what something feels like or looks/sounds like overpowers my little voice telling me to not do it.
I have never regretted stepping beyond my fears and experiencing life – and oh what a great world we live in when we embrace it and explore.
But do keep in mind, that sometimes fear is a warning sign of danger or boundaries being overstepped. More on this later.
Be safe! Be fulfilled! Be challenged!
Now get out there and just do it.