The road to Intuition – a primer

The road to Intuition – a primer

The Road to Intuition – a primer

Have you had that experience when all of a sudden you just had this huge hunch that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, that intuition was eventually translated to reality?


When you feel strongly about something without logical basis to it, that’s called intuition. It comes in three impressions: clairvoyance or “the third eye”, sensing clearly and feeling through listening.


Clairvoyance is when your eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when you know what is happening somewhere.


Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as “hunch” or “gut feel.” This is the time when you are overwhelmed with a feeling and you can’t explain it and all you can say is “I just know.”


On the other hand, feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to “listen” between the lines. Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound, whatever it is – be it a car’s honk or a bird’s twitting – ushers in an intense feeling.


They say only a number of people are gifted with intuition. Astrologers even insist that people born under the Scorpio or Pisces signs are naturally intuitive it almost borders on E.S.P.  But studies have been sprouting left and right that proclaim that anyone can develop intuition.


Why the need to develop intuition, you ask? Why not leave your emotional and psychological state as it is? First and foremost, intuition promotes good communication. It makes you more sensitive to the people around you; it often keeps you from hurting those you love because you are intuitive enough to understand them. Intuition also makes you far more creative than ever. Intuition means releasing more creative juices for any means of expression. Lastly, intuition has a healing power. This healing power is not in the physical sense, but in delving deep into your soul to eradicate some non-beneficial energy buried in it.


With that being said, are you ready to develop your intuition? Here are some ways to unlock this gift:


  1. Hypnosis

Oh yes, get yourself hypnotized by a certified practitioner.  Hypnosis is not limited to watching a pendulum move back and forth. Perform self-hypnosis (which is really a form of meditation or visualization) or you can avail of hypnotic programs that can strengthen your intuition.


  1. Meditation


Meditating means finding peace in yourself. If your mind and heart are cluttered with too much baggage and hurt, you wouldn’t be able to quiet down that part of you that could eventually initiate intuition. There are so many ways to meditate: take a yoga class, or just simply practice some breathing that could bring you straight to Zen.


  1. Think positive!


A worry-free, fear-free state could do so much to improve your intuitive ability. By staying positive, you attract good energy that would be able to easily recognize imminent feelings and events.


  1. Just let go.

What does this mean? If you are on the brink of making a huge decision, let go of all the inhibitions and head to a quiet place where you could find out where the letting go has brought you. Sometimes you just have to listen to the voice within you, and that voice wouldn’t come out unless you let go.


  1. Never expect.


After letting go of the inhibitions and all those things that stop you from thinking and feeling clearly, never expect an answer right away. Never expect that the “hunch” would fall on your lap immediately. Give it a little time then you’d just get surprised that — wham! — now you have your answer.


  1. Believe in your first impressions.


When you see someone for the first time and think that he is a bit too arrogant for your taste, chances are that impression actually holds true. Most of the time, first impressions are brought by intuition.


  1. Stay happy!


See? All you need to be intuitive is to stay happy! Happiness attracts immense power and such power includes intuition. In tapping your intuition, your motivation must be happiness and contentment. Given that premise, intuition will fall to you easily.


Intuition is helpful, because sometimes it leads you to something that cannot be achieved otherwise. A lot of lives have been saved by intuition alone. Decisions are easier done if armed by this gift. Develop intuition now and reap benefits you have never imagined.

Click here to read a real life account of how my intuition may have saved a life!



Full Moon Ritual for Manifesting

Full Moon Ritual for Manifesting

17 Jan


Use the power of this Wolf Full Moon.  This is very much a moon of emotions.  Release what doesn’t serve you.


 Use the Full Moon power for closure.  Make a tally or run through the past year or so to find whatever has not been dealt with.  Use this time to complete tasks, assess emotions (and haven’t there been a few these past couple of years?), close out that which is non-beneficial and get ready to move forward.

This is a time to go inwards.  Retrospection can give you the clarity you need.

Once the purging is complete then move into planning mode.  Don’t be active in your life yet – quietly and thoughtfully map out where & how you want your life to be for 2022 and onward.  Do a loose plan/guideline/goal-setting always leaving space for fluidity and change.

Here is a Full Moon Ritual I love and find quite powerful.

You will need a Full Moon and coins (I used dimes – why I don’t know just do)

You need to be out in the open preferably on or your balcony or patio.

“There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.”

George Carlin

Start by grounding yourself using whatever method works best for you.

Take your coin and let it absorb the moons energy by placing in a window or if you are outside already you can put it anywhere. Leave it here for about ½ hour.

Ask the coin to connect to the moon.

After ½ hour, hold the coin between your palms and declare what you want to release and what new you want to bring in.  Imagine (visualize) your desired outcome.

Throw the coin towards the moon and say:


“All my concerns and wishes

I release to you, Grandmother Moon

Fill them with love and give them light

For the highest good of everyone involved”.


Don’t try to look where you coin fell or landed.  Just let it be.

Thank Grandmother moon and absorb her energy.

When I did this the first time,  I cut the grass the next day.  I was being greedy so did 3 different things and used 1 dime for each.

When I cut the poor excuse of grass they were all gone!  My grass that was left after the summer drought was so thin and sparse that there is no way they could be hiding.

Where did they go?  How cool is this?

For more insight into Manifesting visit a previous blog post

Instant Manifesting

Disaster or silver lining?  Road block or opportunity?

Disaster or silver lining? Road block or opportunity?

Can you find the silver lining?

Although………things are not always the way they seem. Perhaps the initial event looks to be unwelcome. But think back to something that happened in your life (or another person’s life) that started out looking catastrophic.

Things like losing a job, a close relationship ending, household problems. Later you see that it was a blessing to get out of a soul killing job and now are doing something you love!

Or perhaps a year (hopefully less) after a break up you see how toxic that person really was for you? Or even if not toxic, just ‘flat line’ – and now you’ve been able to meet a vibrant loving new mate. Or learned to enjoy ‘just being you’.

Perhaps the extra expense of having to fix a household issue helps you discover an unseen additional problem, when fixed now is not major – but could have grown to be. Or maybe even you’ll make a connection with someone connected with the repair.




This seems to have brought us perhaps all of the above.  But is it all catastrophic?

Water, air & soil is repairing itself.  The animals are roaming freely to our enjoyment.  New connections are made as within communities or globally we set aside our differences and lend a hand.


I know some times ( or lots of times) it’s not easy to see the ‘silver lining’ or to accept that everything really is o.k. I don’t know to whom I can credit this saying – but I love it!
“Everything works out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end.”

Care to share your switch around events?

How and Why You Should Power Up Your Boundaries

How and Why You Should Power Up Your Boundaries

Boundaries & Empaths Part 2

Do people violate your boundaries?

But how could they have known if you haven’t  outlined them?

By not being clear on boundaries with people in your life, you are effectively setting others up to fail and you are setting yourself up for upset.


How to Set Boundaries

After you have looked at your core values and have figured out what does and doesn’t work for you, you must set these boundaries and reinforce them.

If someone crosses a boundary the first time, assess whether you were clear with them initially.  If you weren’t then calmly state your case.  Gently.  If they knew of your boundary and crossed it then you need to firmly and calmly tell them that they have crossed the line and that you can not condone it.


If it happens a second time assess if you are getting bogged down in your emotions and then have another conversation expressing your views.  Be clear at this point to tell them that if they cross your boundary again there will be consequences.  Be sure to outline what they will be.


Boundaries strike three


Three strikes they’re out!  OK perhaps not totally but make sure you take action.

As with parenting, you can’t make a rule without following through.  Do not threaten with consequences and not produce.  Non-action causes loss of credibility and invites more inappropriate behaviour.


In some cases, it may be viable to release this person from your life.  If not, then continue to be clear & firm.  If possible avoid getting in a situation again to allow them to try to violate your boundaries.  Or seek assistance if required.



If you missed it – check out the quiz on Empaths.


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The Empaths Survival Weekend Retreat in Muskoka,On


Join in a journey to free yourself from overwhelm & chaos.  Learn to empower your gifts, protect yourself from ‘muggles’ 😉 and release your inner spirit.

March 22 – 24, 2019

How and Why You Should Power Up Your Boundaries

What an Empath absolutely won’t do – an amusing peek

Boundaries & Empaths


The behaviour in the humorous (at least it is really funny if you forget for a moment that this really happens), will not happen with a true Empath.

An Empath FEELS deeply what another feels and often anticipates what they want or need. But never would act in an obtrusive way as shown in this video. An Empath understands Boundaries.


OK – let’s watch this short video.



What are Personal Boundaries?


According to Wikipedia:


“Personal boundaries ae guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.”


Why are Boundaries Important?


Healthy respect for boundaries avoids hurt feelings in all types of relationships. 

Haven’t we all at times felt wronged and sometimes violated when someone has crossed our boundary? We often believe someone should “know” they crossed a boundary even if it was never discussed.


Setting up Boundaries


When you know your boundaries and sense the boundaries of others, or even have discussed them prior to a situation; you create a win/win experience for both parties.

Think back to a time when you felt violated in some small way. Did you say or think…. What the hell were you thinking? You should have known. How could you not know that would hurt me?

Think back to a time when you may have overstepped your bounds and intruded on someone else’s space. How did they react? What did they say?

As mentioned previously a true Empath will almost never cross someone else’s boundaries.

However, they are notorious for letting others cross theirs.


Why you might ask?

Stay tuned for the next post where we will go into detail on setting up your boundaries and how to ‘enforce’ them.


In the meantime, if you missed it – check out the quiz on Empaths.


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And if you’re not near to us – be sure to check out our new Membership Site for lots of how-to’s, videos, special offers and like minded community.

The Empaths Survival Weekend Retreat in Muskoka,On


Join in a journey to free yourself from overwhelm & chaos.  Learn to empower your gifts, protect yourself from ‘muggles’ 😉 and release your inner spirit.

March 22 – 24, 2019

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