How to make the holidays sparkle when alone.
Do you cringe when the Hallmark Moment holidays approach?
Will you be alone and not looking forward to it?
Want to change that? You can if you really want to.

Pity Party
I won’t be seeing my son and his lovely partner until after Christmas. My electronic day timer note popped up to decorate. Snorting…I deleted that wondering what would be the point. No one would see them except me. (note to self for future reference: I’m worth doing it for – but that’s another blog) Bah Humbug!
This is the first Christmas since my Mom passed as well.
Today I thought about my stuffed Grinch and I put it on the staircase…which led to thinking about a few treasures I’ve kept from childhood – are you ready for this? Causing a Smile.
So I said to myself “Self, just get a few of your favourites out – you don’t have to do it all”. I dug out the decorations from the basement to find my fav’s. And then couldn’t resist bringing them all upstairs.
Most of my decorations are beautifully handcrafted by friends, my Mom and picked up in travels. Several of my friends are no longer. The day went from smiles from memories of years gone by to tears of missing them.
Several times I stopped decorating as I just didn’t have it in me. But I kept coaxing myself back.
“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.”
–Dr. Seuss
Idea sparks
Then I wondered who else wouldn’t be seeing family? I decided to scope it out and invite them here for dinner.
No sooner did I get that thought solidified and things started to change. I discovered that there were several hikes going on in the area over the holidays and an out of town friend I haven’t seen for far too long emailed me to invite me for dinner. And there is a great house concert planned for one of the evenings.

The outcome?
When you feel grumpy or un-motivated just take one little step forward. If that’s all you accomplish that’s still great. But hopefully like in this case it will be the first step to changing the situation. Guess what? I ended up putting all the decorations up and it feels good!
The Bonus? I’ve discovered (or they discovered me) several amazingly fun events to attend – seeing old hiking pals and perhaps meeting some new. AND I then get to celebrate again when my son arrives!
Will it be easy? Nope – but it definitely will BE.
Your choice – pity party or Grande Party. Scrooge like feelings or Gratitude? I know which I prefer.
Change your Thinking – Change your Mood – Change your Life!