Your life on a teeter totter

Your life on a teeter totter

Bite Size Resolution Challenge – Day 1


MARCH 2017

Happy Spring Equinox!  Integral is the balance between light and dark in Spring Equinox

Today’s Bite Size challenge is to find the BALANCE in our lives, or re-find in some cases – we tend to head off into either too much ‘doing’ or too much inaction = procrastination or stagnation.

Spring Equinox


Please read this post and then go to the post about Spring Equinox to see how you can capitalize on the energies of this period to manifest your goals.

How to Manifest

Although I encourage you to use any or all of the Suggestions for Manifesting – for today please focus on the BALANCE key.

Today take note (jot activities down or look at your day timer/calendar) of where most of your time is being spent.

At day’s end see what is in excess and what is deficient.  Start to think about (or better yet put into action) a way to bring balance.

“I always try to balance the light with the heavy – a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes.”

Bette Midler

If your day(s) are mostly a flurry of activity and damage control – consciously book in time to meditate, read, walk or whatever helps you to quiet the chaos.

If you are in the opposite mode where you are procrastinating, frittering away the day, lacking focus……slate in time to actively and consciously set yourself to the task at hand without distraction.

Multi-tasking is not the golden egg as ‘they’ try to brainwash into thinking.  Multi-tasking is proven to be counter-productive.  (This will be the topic of another day).

Spring Equinox -how to manifest

Spring Equinox -how to manifest


MARCH 2017


Spring Equinox resonates with the young, playful, and new.

The sun brings the active growing cycle, so get ready to actively plant your garden (internally & externally) and your desires.

For the Spring Equinox – Fire creates the passion needed for you plans to burst forth from their seed form.  As the solar force, it demonstrates yin/yang  in the turning of day into night and night into day. The sun teaches you to balance your active, outward moving, daylight energy with the cool, restful, and reflective energy of the evening.   Balance is always the key isn’t it?

And on the topic of Balance…..Since the equinox represents light and dark in perfect balance, it provides you with an opportunity to bring balance to your life. Now is the time to take stock of your life and see where balance is needed.  With balance comes harmony.



If the answers don’t come readily to you – make a list of your daily/weekly/monthly typical agenda – or look through your day timer or online scheduler.  As with most, there is an excess of doing compared to ‘being’.


Schedule downtime whether it be meditation, a passive outdoor activity (my major go to is kayaking) and make it happen.  When we put it on the mental list it usually doesn’t happen.  It needs to be scheduled in – and honour this as you would an appointment for a client.

Commit to making the changes you desire.  Join us for daily, small, actionable tips in our members only Facebook group “Rescue your life with the bitesize resolution challenge”.   Have fun while supporting and being supported by like minds.  Check it out HERE

Suggestions for Spring Equinox manifesting:


  • Honour Spring Equinox by spending the day mindfully balancing activity to passive time.
  • Do anything that is fun to you and that gets your energy moving.
  • Put your passion to work towards any of your goals.
  • Express gratitude.  Check out our Youtube mini video for suggestions.  Watch here
  • Visualize, feel & want your plan – then turn your plan over to the Universe and give thanks.  We may be surprised in which form our plan manifests.
  • Subscribe to the prelaunch updates for Ancestral-Energy for more ways to evolve & manifest.


Follow the guidelines above; however view all from a point of releasing that which no longer serves.  You are coming out of your growing and fire stage.

What’s in it for me?  Or why we give.

What’s in it for me? Or why we give.


The seemingly question of this decade…What happens if we Give instead of take? Watch this very insightful video (watch to the end it’s well worth it) to find out! The author of this video will be a great surprise to you I’m sure.

The choice is always ours to make.

Watch this video!

Let’s all do at least one good deed today – without expectation of return. How did it make you feel? Will you look or an opportunity tomorrow? And the next day and the next?

We don’t have to look far to find someone who could use a helping hand.  Do we assist or do we turn away?  Your choice.  It could make the world of difference to the person – you never know!

Quinoa Pear Porridge

Quinoa Pear Porridge

Quinoa Pear Porridge

(gluten free, protein rich)

Try this gluten free, protein rich Quinoa recipe to shake up your breakfast routine or enjoy as a dessert.

Always use organic ingredients where available.



1 cup dry prewashed quinoa (250 mL)
1 cup  juice (any fruit juice works) and 1 cup water (250 mL)
1 tbsp maple syrup (30 mL)
1-2 tsp ground cinnamon (10 mL)
1/4 tsp salt (1 mL) (optional)
1 large or 2 small pears, finely chopped
Low fat vanilla or plain yogurt

Place quinoa, juice, water, maple syrup, cinnamon and salt in a saucepan in your rice cooker (if you have multi-function with heat/simmer mode).  Cook 15 minutes or until most of the liquid is absorbed. Add pears and cook or just warm setting is fine for a couple of minutes.  If pears are very ripe then add prior to serving.

Spoon warm porridge into serving bowls. Garnish with yogurt, slivered or crushed almond.

I find this plenty sweet for my liking but you can add extra maple syrup is desired.


Makes 4 small servings.

10 Dowsing Do’s and Don’ts

10 Dowsing Do’s and Don’ts

Tips for your Dowsing:

  1. Sensing: When sensing for information, do not attach
    yourself to it.
  2. Protect Yourself. 
  3. Direct questions. You assume it knows what you were
    talking about.
  4. Life’s Lessons and Restricted Areas: We are not to interfere
    with anyone’s ‘Lessons in Life” or possibly their “Karma”
  5. Privacy: Always respect personal privacy.
  6. Apparent Universal Law: Be aware that there seems to
    be a universal law of cause and effect.
  7. Diagnosing: Do Not diagnose or give medical advice of
    any kind!
  8. Sharing with Others: Gradually and discreetly share
    with those who want to know.
  9. Open Mind: Always keep your mind open to new ideas
    and look for ways to improve.
  10. Keep it Simple: Try to keep all aspects of your dowsing
    as simple as you can.

Be sure to practice and enjoy your dowsing.

Full PDF here:

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