Your life on a teeter totter
Bite Size Resolution Challenge – Day 1
MARCH 2017
Happy Spring Equinox! Integral is the balance between light and dark in Spring Equinox
Today’s Bite Size challenge is to find the BALANCE in our lives, or re-find in some cases – we tend to head off into either too much ‘doing’ or too much inaction = procrastination or stagnation.

Please read this post and then go to the post about Spring Equinox to see how you can capitalize on the energies of this period to manifest your goals.
Although I encourage you to use any or all of the Suggestions for Manifesting – for today please focus on the BALANCE key.
Today take note (jot activities down or look at your day timer/calendar) of where most of your time is being spent.
At day’s end see what is in excess and what is deficient. Start to think about (or better yet put into action) a way to bring balance.
“I always try to balance the light with the heavy – a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes.”
Bette Midler
If your day(s) are mostly a flurry of activity and damage control – consciously book in time to meditate, read, walk or whatever helps you to quiet the chaos.

If you are in the opposite mode where you are procrastinating, frittering away the day, lacking focus……slate in time to actively and consciously set yourself to the task at hand without distraction.
Multi-tasking is not the golden egg as ‘they’ try to brainwash into thinking. Multi-tasking is proven to be counter-productive. (This will be the topic of another day).