Purge & rekindle your way to feeling great

Purge & rekindle your way to feeling great



Bite Size Resolutions Day 3


MARCH 2017

To add to our “Keep the angels toss the energy vampires” exercise of yesterday we’ll head into inviting in those that enhance our lives – rekindle your ties.

Purge & rekindle.  Reconnect with people that resonate and hold a place in your heart.

Rekindle and also purge. At the same time lovingly (or not – your choice) let go of those who don’t.

We all have friends or family that we just don’t get to see often enough.  We’ve all become so busy and scattered geographically that regular or any get-togethers have fallen by the way side.

I invited wonderful friends that I hadn’t seen for too long for dinner.  Then to be efficient with time, I invited another.  Cooking for a pair or few doesn’t change much.  We all had so much fun and new friendships may have been kindled.

I was reminded of being known for my dinner and cocktail parties in the past – remember back when – when we did that a lot?  Guess that was when my wings were clipped with raising children and actually being home more often.


“There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.”

William Butler Yeats

I had a knack of mixing and matching different backgrounds, personalities, walks of life, interest groups etc.  By skill or great luck (who knows which) my parties were always fun and interesting in conversation.  By party I mean being able to have meaningful or intelligent conversation – not too many people/too much noise drinking fests.

I recall how much I enjoyed hosting these events and decided that I would make room for more of this.

Time to dust off the fondue set?  Lol

Action Steps:

Please take a moment to sit quietly, still your mind (well as much as you can), and let random thoughts/images of people you miss float through.

Then get to it!  Go ahead…..text, email or phone.  Hey remember that?  A real voice talking to you not at you?

Let us know in the Bite Size Challenge Group what you decided to do to rekindle and more importantly how does it make you feel?


Keep the angels toss the energy vampires

Keep the angels toss the energy vampires

Bite Size Resolution Day 2


MARCH 2017

What did you discover yesterday regarding the balance inequities in your life?

Today is the day to find some of the balance we found was lacking. Downsizing contact lists & finding the balance in relationships is the key today.


I found that although I do practice the balance concepts –  I need to divvy it up a little more beneficially.  I tend to go ‘all out’ in a fast a furious way to get a project completed (ok I confess….as a Gemini it is usually 6 projects at once).  Yep, I’ll be writing the segment on multitasking for me as well as for You.  😉

And then I take a day to play.

I strive to break up the tasks a little more by doing little play bits or rewards in between.  That way I won’t suffer fatigue, mental overload or stiffness from staying at task too long.


“Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do.”

Irma Kurtz

Relationships of all types, romantic, friendship or business need to be reciprocal in some way.  If they are not, or are draining your energy then they must be released.


Being reciprocal does mean “I give you…..you give back now”.  Again it is a balance.  If you find yourself always giving while the other is always taking, this has to stop.


This is not as Scroogey or cruel as it may seem.  It’s called self-preservation or honouring ourselves and our time & energy.


If you a prone to over-giving, taking back seat, feeling like a doormat…..another days Bite will cover this.

Actionable steps:

  • Today I will continue to downsize my contacts; personal, business, emails newsletters, etc.  This seems to have evolved naturally in the past ½ year, but more needed.
  • This morning I’ve been unsubscribing, declining invitations to events that my heart isn’t in, and generally formulating a plan as to where/how I wish to spend my time and efforts.



Your life on a teeter totter

Your life on a teeter totter

Bite Size Resolution Challenge – Day 1


MARCH 2017

Happy Spring Equinox!  Integral is the balance between light and dark in Spring Equinox

Today’s Bite Size challenge is to find the BALANCE in our lives, or re-find in some cases – we tend to head off into either too much ‘doing’ or too much inaction = procrastination or stagnation.

Spring Equinox


Please read this post and then go to the post about Spring Equinox to see how you can capitalize on the energies of this period to manifest your goals.

How to Manifest

Although I encourage you to use any or all of the Suggestions for Manifesting – for today please focus on the BALANCE key.

Today take note (jot activities down or look at your day timer/calendar) of where most of your time is being spent.

At day’s end see what is in excess and what is deficient.  Start to think about (or better yet put into action) a way to bring balance.

“I always try to balance the light with the heavy – a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes.”

Bette Midler

If your day(s) are mostly a flurry of activity and damage control – consciously book in time to meditate, read, walk or whatever helps you to quiet the chaos.

If you are in the opposite mode where you are procrastinating, frittering away the day, lacking focus……slate in time to actively and consciously set yourself to the task at hand without distraction.

Multi-tasking is not the golden egg as ‘they’ try to brainwash into thinking.  Multi-tasking is proven to be counter-productive.  (This will be the topic of another day).

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