Full Moon Ritual for Manifesting
17 Jan
Use the power of this Wolf Full Moon. This is very much a moon of emotions. Release what doesn’t serve you.
Use the Full Moon power for closure. Make a tally or run through the past year or so to find whatever has not been dealt with. Use this time to complete tasks, assess emotions (and haven’t there been a few these past couple of years?), close out that which is non-beneficial and get ready to move forward.
This is a time to go inwards. Retrospection can give you the clarity you need.
Once the purging is complete then move into planning mode. Don’t be active in your life yet – quietly and thoughtfully map out where & how you want your life to be for 2022 and onward. Do a loose plan/guideline/goal-setting always leaving space for fluidity and change.

You will need a Full Moon and coins (I used dimes – why I don’t know just do)
You need to be out in the open preferably on or your balcony or patio.
George Carlin
Take your coin and let it absorb the moons energy by placing in a window or if you are outside already you can put it anywhere. Leave it here for about ½ hour.
Ask the coin to connect to the moon.
After ½ hour, hold the coin between your palms and declare what you want to release and what new you want to bring in. Imagine (visualize) your desired outcome.
Throw the coin towards the moon and say:
“All my concerns and wishes
I release to you, Grandmother Moon
Fill them with love and give them light
For the highest good of everyone involved”.
Don’t try to look where you coin fell or landed. Just let it be.
Thank Grandmother moon and absorb her energy.

When I cut the poor excuse of grass they were all gone! My grass that was left after the summer drought was so thin and sparse that there is no way they could be hiding.
Where did they go? How cool is this?