Instant Manifesting – you are not alone.
Instant Manifesting – can it happen?
Think it or speak it and it appears.
Are you experiencing strange (or stranger than normal) manifesting?
Do you merely speak of or think of something and within a short period of time it happens?
Well then….. you are not alone. Many of my students & clients are speaking of these occurrences. It’s almost scary – even for us! 😉

Some examples of what has happened lately are:
While visiting a friend he mentioned his tinnitus. In empathy I said “I can’t imagine what you’re going through”. Within 5 days I had tinnitus. I surely did not want this. Nor can you say it was instant bad karma – I didn’t tease him about it – I was kind.
My hairdresser and I were speaking of all the scams going on these days. We laughed about the duct work group and how my friend had carried on so they hung up on her. Hours later I received that call on my cell phone.
“I think that, if there are topics that are just on people’s minds, things manifest into reality out of the sort of global consciousness of being aware of those topics.”
Neill Blomkamp
A paddling friend mentioned that she had ants in her house for the first time. We discussed possible ways they were getting in and what to do about it. Two days later I had ants in my house – has not happened before.
I was thinking that I needed to do something unique – something my Mom would have gotten a kick out of on the upcoming 1st anniversary of her passing. Not hours later I was invited to be part of a promo video shoot involving dressing up in mystical costume and being a woodland being. How cool is that?
My neighbours fence was such an eyesore. It didn’t match the rest of my fencing and was in poor shape. I mentioned to a friend that I wish he’d do something about it. A few days later we had a huge wind storm and whole section came down! As he has a pool he had to get a new one quickly.
See what I mean?
What is this? I’m not trying to manifest any of this. I’m almost afraid to comment on anything anymore or even think.
Have you had similar occurences? Please join our private FB group to share your stories. https://www.facebook.com/groups/AncestralEnergy/
I’m no stranger to manifesting what I need or want but this goes beyond. Normally when manifesting there is intent involved, some emotion or charge and a desire. These events don’t involve any of those attributes.
You may wish to check out some of the other posts on manifesting. https://ancestral-energy.com/blog/
I know we’re going through some very interesting energetic times. Mother Nature is rebelling (some say she’s bipolar now), politics world wide is insane, solar flares, energy shifts…..the list goes on.
I wish I had the answer.
I’ll leave you to ponder…..I have to go work on getting this to work in amazing ways.
If anyone wishes to contact me and speak of fortunes, successes, amazing friendships that would be good.
Let’s see what we can conjure.