Instant Manifesting – you are not alone.

Instant Manifesting – you are not alone.

Instant Manifesting – can it happen?

Think it or speak it and it appears.

Are you experiencing strange (or stranger than normal) manifesting?

Do you merely speak of or think of something and within a short period of time it happens?

Well then….. you are not alone. Many of my students & clients are speaking of these occurrences. It’s almost scary – even for us!  😉


Some examples of what has happened lately are:

While visiting a friend he mentioned his tinnitus. In empathy I said “I can’t imagine what you’re going through”. Within 5 days I had tinnitus. I surely did not want this. Nor can you say it was instant bad karma – I didn’t tease him about it – I was kind.

My hairdresser and I were speaking of all the scams going on these days. We laughed about the duct work group and how my friend had carried on so they hung up on her. Hours later I received that call on my cell phone.

“I think that, if there are topics that are just on people’s minds, things manifest into reality out of the sort of global consciousness of being aware of those topics.”

Neill Blomkamp

A paddling friend mentioned that she had ants in her house for the first time. We discussed possible ways they were getting in and what to do about it. Two days later I had ants in my house – has not happened before.

I was thinking that I needed to do something unique – something my Mom would have gotten a kick out of on the upcoming 1st anniversary of her passing. Not hours later I was invited to be part of a promo video shoot involving dressing up in mystical costume and being a woodland being. How cool is that?

My neighbours fence was such an eyesore. It didn’t match the rest of my fencing and was in poor shape. I mentioned to a friend that I wish he’d do something about it. A few days later we had a huge wind storm and whole section came down! As he has a pool he had to get a new one quickly.

See what I mean?

What is this? I’m not trying to manifest any of this. I’m almost afraid to comment on anything anymore or even think.

Have you had similar occurences? Please join our private FB group to share your stories.

I’m no stranger to manifesting what I need or want but this goes beyond. Normally when manifesting there is intent involved, some emotion or charge and a desire. These events don’t involve any of those attributes.

You may wish to check out some of the other posts on manifesting.

I know we’re going through some very interesting energetic times. Mother Nature is rebelling (some say she’s bipolar now), politics world wide is insane, solar flares, energy shifts…..the list goes on.

I wish I had the answer.

I’ll leave you to ponder…..I have to go work on getting this to work in amazing ways.

If anyone wishes to contact me and speak of fortunes, successes, amazing friendships that would be good.

Let’s see what we can conjure.

Where to find Happiness – be happier now.

Where to find Happiness – be happier now.

Where to find Happiness

Happiness comes from Love & Gratitude

Every day, people buy too much stuff, eat too much food, and waste away their hours chasing after happiness…to no avail. They may find excitement or satiation, but  being TRULY HAPPY still eludes them.


Fortunately, happiness is really inexpensive and pretty simple to find, but that doesn’t mean that it comes easily. However, if you’re bold, and truly willing to commit to a few simple steps, happiness will be yours.  Try this:


  1. Quit Complaining.

The first step to finding happiness is to stop trying to find what’s wrong with the world around you. There’s plenty to complain about, but if you focus all of your attention there, you’ll never see the good stuff.



“Happiness is an inside job – not from “out there”


  1. Choose To Live In Love.

Falling in love with the world (and people) around you is a sure step toward happiness…and it’s easy. Simply accept people for who they are, and choose to see the good in them. Don’t expect it…CHOOSE it…then express it.



  1. Appreciate Everything.

Start expressing your gratitude every day. If you’d like, keep a gratitude journal and write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for every morning. Before long, you’ll have more things to appreciate than you can count.


Becoming happy may mean “looking silly” sometimes or changing A LOT of your current habits, but I promise you…it sure beats the alternative.


What can YOU do to start being truly happy in your life TODAY?

3 Simple Habits to a Happier You

3 Simple Habits to a Happier You

3 Simple Habits to a Happier You

We all want a happy life.

Happiness brings with it better health, more satisfying relationships, it makes us more creative, and attracts happy people into our lives.

But being happy can be a challenge. It’s easy to set our focus on the bad things in life while ignoring the good.


Here three proven habits to help shift the spotlight back onto the good things and create more happiness in your life:

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

~ Aristotle.

Practice gratitude. People who express gratitude on a consistent basis are more optimistic, less materialistic, and more forgiving. Here’s one method of harnessing the positive power of gratitude:

  • On a piece of paper rank your happiness on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being ‘never’ and 10 being ‘all the time’. Seal your answer in an envelope and set it aside. At the end of each day, write down 3 things you’re grateful for. It can be ordinary (clean running water) or uplifting (watching your child graduate). After two weeks, rank your happiness again and compare it with your original score.


Chances are you’re significantly happier.

Perform acts of kindness. Giving not only benefits the receiver, it contributes to the givers’ health, happiness, and sense of social connection. Try this simple exercise to get started:

  • Chose one day this week and perform 5 acts of kindness. They can be big or small, random or planned, for a stranger or someone you know. Dropping a quarter in a stranger’s parking meter, donating blood, or, at work try cleaning the communal kitchen area, or pitching in on a colleague’s project. At the end of the day write down what you did, how the person responded, and notice the difference you feel.


Offer forgiveness. Keeping grudges means holding onto anger, resentment, and hurt. Practicing forgiveness releases the pain and allows us to move on.

  • Think of a grudge you’re holding. Acknowledge your feelings, thoughts, and sensations around the experience then ask yourself, what areas in my life is this grudge negatively affecting? How is it impacting those around me? What positive change would occur if I let it go and moved on? Forgiveness isn’t about minimizing feelings or condoning transgressions. It’s about letting go and setting yourself free.

We all experience life’s ups and downs. By implementing these habits into your daily life you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever challenge life throws at you and experience more happiness. You deserve a happy life!

5 Proven Tips to Manifest

5 Proven Tips to Manifest

5 Proven Tips to Manifest

Do you have dreams that

you would like to make

come true?

How about improving your life and your relationship with others?

Do you want to manifest happiness in your life?

Here are a few ways on how to manifest happiness.


  1. Love yourself.

You need to get enough rest and relaxation.

Start taking care of your body. It’s the only one you’re going to have. If you don’t take care of it now, you will have to bear the consequences later on.

By taking care of your body and loving yourself, you will become happier!


“Happiness is not a luxury it is the purpose of our existence.” ~ Dalai Lama

2. Count your blessings

Take a moment each and every day to be thankful for all your blessings. Think about everything in a positive manner. You can make today better than yesterday and tomorrow even better than today!

3. Live your life!

You need to concentrate on yourself. Stop living your life according to other people’s expectation. If you fulfilled their expectation, would you be happy? You won’t. Live life according to your expectation and you will find it more fulfilling than leading any other kind of life.

4. Keep on looking on the bright side of life

Stop being a pessimist. If you are always thinking negative thoughts, you will manifest negativity. So start thinking of positive thoughts such as “Amazing things happen to me everyday” and you will soon manifest positivity. You got to mean what you say and you will soon see the result!


Infinite world


5. Love unconditionally.

Love your family and friends unconditionally. When you are giving unconditional love, you are actually manifesting love and you too will get it back in return manifold! Your relationships in life will also improve!


So here are our 5 proven tips on manifesting happiness.

Try it yourself today and soon happiness will be flowing into your life.


4 Fails to Manifesting Success

4 Fails to Manifesting Success

4 Reasons People Fail to Manifest Success

Can I manifest Success?

Manifestation is a really simple concept. It is so simple that you would think everybody would be able to do it.

However, there are many people who fail to manifest and the reasons are listed as below:


1. Being pessimistic


When you are manifesting success, you need to think of positive thoughts and you need to reject all the negativity. Start by saying positive statements. Say “I can lose weight”. Don’t say “I can’t lose weight”. Say “I am a happy person, and happiness flows in my life” Don’t say “I am so depressed”.


2. Wanting superficial desires


When you are manifesting, it is important that your desires are congruent in every part of your self. If you desire money on an ego surface, deep down spiritually, you might desire to grow in other aspects. So hence your manifestation doesn’t work.

Once you know what is stopping you from manifesting, you can now try and improve.

3.  Not knowing specifically what you want


You are unaware of the choices that are available to you. Society has set expectations for you. They prefer people who are rich and beautiful. You try to manifest yourself to become like that. This is not going to work. You need to open your eyes to everything that is happening around you. Don’t live your life according to society’s expectation. Manifest your own desires for yourself!

4.  Unable to visualize creatively


When people are told to visualize that their desires, most of them just visualize them holding the object of the desires. Remember the more vivid your visualizations are, the more real it becomes.


Remember manifestation is such a simple concept but you might not get it if you are doing it for all the wrong reasons.

So get your reasons right and practice!

The more practice you have, the easier it becomes for you to manifest yourself to success!

Why seek Inspiration?

Why seek Inspiration?

Why seek inspiration?

For anything excellent and great that you wish to accomplish in your life, there’s one imperative requirement – inspiration. A great inspiration brings with it a wave of power that by itself may propel you over the finish line.

Conversely when we’re empty of inspiration, everything may appear hard, boring and dull, and we acquire no joy out of what we’re doing.

Watch this short presentation for the remaining Inspiring message.

Ignore the Live button.  Click on the directional arrows to advance slides.


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