Do You Make These Mistakes which Sabotage Your Happiness?

Do You Make These Mistakes which Sabotage Your Happiness?

What if I told you that there is only one person in this world who can hold you back from being truly happy? This person is that powerful. This person has all the capabilities and all the resources needed to prevent you from the happiness that you deserve.

Who is this person? Is this person a member of some sort of organization? Is this person in possession of some sort of technology? Does this person have some special skills or training that enable them to make you miserable at the drop of a hat?

Well, here’s a hint. This person spells his or her name this way: Y-O-U.

That’s right. You’re the only person in this world who can prevent yourself from being happy, content and fulfilled. Maybe you’re doing it right now. As you read this, you’re holding yourself back.


If you’re still unclear, here are 5 ways you might be sabotaging yourself from being truly happy.

You Wait for Certain Things to Happen Before You Decide to Be Happy

Have you ever thought that, if something happens, then you will be happy? Or if you buy this thing, then you will be truly happy? Or if you meet this person, then you know you will be truly happy?

Come on, you can be honest. You can say it. There’s nobody looking at you as you read this.

Here’s the spoiler, all of us have thought along these lines at some time or another. It’s very easy to fall into this trap. Unfortunately, if this becomes a habit, happiness becomes very rare indeed.

Instead, we’re always searching. We’re always desperately collecting things, hoarding, grasping, trying to get people into our lives. We become really hungry. But the more we eat, the hungrier we become.

It really is quite sad because we feel that we have to wait and wait and wait for things to be just perfect. We have to work in the meantime to make that happen.

But little do we know, it’s already right here, right now, in front of our noses. Sadly, we refuse to see it.

You Believe Possessions Make You Happy

Do you believe that when somebody pulls up in a $100,000 car right next to somebody with a $5,000 car that the person in the more affordable car is, somehow, some way, inferior to the person in a more expensive car? Again, feel free to be honest.

In our Western culture, there is an unstated assumption that you are what you consume. In other words, we have completely blurred the lines and have completely forgotten the distinction between price and value.

Automatically, we assume that if something costs $500,000, then somebody who possesses that is in a much better position and is a more worthy person than the person who can afford much less.

Now, we could all agree that that person is in a better position because hey, it takes quite a bit of income power to afford something at $500,000. No debates there. But it’s the second assumption that is really dangerous and troublesome.

You can’t automatically assume that just because somebody can afford something that’s expensive that this person is more worthy, more valuable, more deserving of your respect, more deserving of your love.

But sadly, the distinction starts to fade. Because the more we focus on the price of things and lose sight of their value, we start believing that possessions make us worthy, and by extension, make us happy.

In fact, according to a fairly recent psychological research study, people do attain a sense of happiness when they buy stuff. But here’s the twist – it doesn’t last all that long.

Also, the more they buy, for happiness or for fulfillment, the shorter and shorter the duration of the good feelings. Something to think about.

You Let Others Define Happiness For You

If you watch a lot of movies, if you read a lot of ads, or if you pay attention to gossip columnists or read a lot of opinion articles, it’s very easy to be influenced. It’s very easy for people who you think you respect and admire to basically call the shots as far as your values are concerned. Soon enough, you start looking at the world through their lenses.

We tend to do this with our parents. And while they intend the very best for us, ultimately, they define happiness for us. And that’s the problem. You have to define it yourself. You have to make your way.

Sadly, we often live lives on autopilot and we never bother to stop and realize that we’re not really living our lives. Instead, we’re living our lives based on other people’s expectations. It’s as if we’re just going through the motions.

Then you wonder why you’re not happy? Then you have the nerve to complain that you’re not fulfilled? Well, pay attention to the pattern that you have selected for yourself because it is a choice.

You Think Happiness Happens to You

As the old saying goes, there are two types of people: people who make things happen, and people who sit around and ask “what happened?” Which one are you?

Well, if you think happiness happens to you, you know which one you are. And that’s a problem.

You have to understand that happiness and fulfillment are choices. In other words, you have to take the initiative. You have to call the shots. You have to make the decisions.

It’s not something that somebody hands over to you. It’s not something that somebody owes you. It doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t come from outside of you, ultimately. It’s your choice.

In fact, the psychotherapist Victor Frankel wrote an amazing book where he found a sense of meaning and peace, even though he was in a concentration camp. Something to think about.

You Refuse to Enjoy the Things Going Right in Your Life

If you are not careful, you will develop a habit where you don’t really focus on the things that are going right. You don’t focus on the reality that you have a roof over your head, there’s food on the table, nobody breaks into your front door to rob, steal, burn, rape and kill.

Instead, you focus on the stuff that’s missing. Maybe you’re not a member of a club. Maybe your car is 12 years old. Whatever the case may be, you focus on the stuff that is missing, and that’s where you feel your happiness comes from.

Understand how this works because this is a choice.

Are You Tired of Making the Wrong Choices that Keep You From Being Happy?

If any of the discussions above apply to you, it really all boils down to the choices you are making.

I’ve got some great news. You don’t have to ride that train. You don’t have to wake up day after day and make the same decisions that you did the previous day that made you less than truly happy. You can do something about it.

The best part? You are fully in control of this decision. You already have the answers locked within your mind. You only need to commit to unlocking it.

This doesn’t involve drugs, this doesn’t involve any sort of religion, mysticism or philosophy, nor does it involve some sort of cult mental control. Forget all about that. Instead, it involves your choices in the here and now.

Click below for this amazing solution.

4 Steps to Solve Your Age of Aquarius Symptoms

4 Steps to Solve Your Age of Aquarius Symptoms

Oh the Pain

of the Age of Aquarius part 2

The Age of Aquarius changes bring many signs/symptoms for you to experience with these shifts at some/many levels.

Today we’ll cover a few physical symptoms.



Increasing your vibration causes energy to course more strongly through the body. When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy slams into them causing these symptoms and sensations. Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self or Spirit Guides to adjust the flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.



This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and don’t take antibiotics which will only prolong the process. Especially since antibiotics don’t work on viruses anyhow.  These symptoms are a body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand.

Whatever constriction or congestion the chakras have released is flushed through.

It is helpful to supplement with enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the symptoms. Hot or cool lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body.  Try and take it easy, and it will pass.

7 major chakras


When the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy, symptoms here can occur.

Pain sensations and not being able to breath can be very upsetting.  If you think you’re having a heart attack – GET HELP!

The expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area) can cause a variety of stress like symptoms. The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy.



These can be experienced by both men and women. This is due to energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which men have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate.



Go with the flow, don’t fight it. Drink plenty of water for you are detoxifying and dehydrating quicker than usual. Fenugreek relieves stress on the lymphatic system and helps the detoxification.  Hot/cold foot baths, dry skin brushing also help the lymphatic system.

To relieve muscle spasm a long hot soak in a bath into which you add a cup of Epsom salts may help.  I find that Yin Yoga & de-stress apps or meditation help a great deal. Do this daily.

Seek medical help if you are unsure or symptoms are pronounced.

Next week we’ll cover emotions.  Be strong (but gentle).  We will all come out the other side much lighter, more free and in balance.

How To Take The Headache Out Of age of aquarius

How To Take The Headache Out Of age of aquarius

Oh the Pain

of the Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius is a pain – literally a headache.

There are many interpretations of when the Age of Aquarius starts – no doubt you’ve all been feeling the energy shifts of the past year which seem to be escalating.

Seems weird to me as back in the 60’s we were talking about (and songs were written about) the Age of A. And here I am, no longer a teenager feeling it.

There are many signs/symptoms that you are experiencing these shifts at some/many levels. Today we’ll cover Headaches.

Headaches are often a sign of overload – whether it be physical stress, mential fatigue or emotional overwhelm. They are (unless there is a medical reason behind them) a ‘head’s up’ that something is amiss.

In the case of the A of A energy shifts our bodies are trying to adjust to the new higher frequencies.

7 major chakras

When the crown chakra expands or opens quickly the result can be headaches. They most likely feel different than any you’ve known previously. No two people are alike in this symptom. Some experience sharp pain while others a dull throb and everything in between.
Women or ‘in tune’ men seem to experience this more.

Ask the Universe or your spirit guides for assistance in gently opening the crown chakra and aiding you to assimilate the increased energies.

The pineal and pituitary glands are involved in these processes so any modality you enjoy such as reflexology, Reiki, osteopathy or holistic massage can help greatly.

Instant Manifesting – you are not alone.

Instant Manifesting – you are not alone.

Instant Manifesting – can it happen?

Think it or speak it and it appears.

Are you experiencing strange (or stranger than normal) manifesting?

Do you merely speak of or think of something and within a short period of time it happens?

Well then….. you are not alone. Many of my students & clients are speaking of these occurrences. It’s almost scary – even for us!  😉


Some examples of what has happened lately are:

While visiting a friend he mentioned his tinnitus. In empathy I said “I can’t imagine what you’re going through”. Within 5 days I had tinnitus. I surely did not want this. Nor can you say it was instant bad karma – I didn’t tease him about it – I was kind.

My hairdresser and I were speaking of all the scams going on these days. We laughed about the duct work group and how my friend had carried on so they hung up on her. Hours later I received that call on my cell phone.

“I think that, if there are topics that are just on people’s minds, things manifest into reality out of the sort of global consciousness of being aware of those topics.”

Neill Blomkamp

A paddling friend mentioned that she had ants in her house for the first time. We discussed possible ways they were getting in and what to do about it. Two days later I had ants in my house – has not happened before.

I was thinking that I needed to do something unique – something my Mom would have gotten a kick out of on the upcoming 1st anniversary of her passing. Not hours later I was invited to be part of a promo video shoot involving dressing up in mystical costume and being a woodland being. How cool is that?

My neighbours fence was such an eyesore. It didn’t match the rest of my fencing and was in poor shape. I mentioned to a friend that I wish he’d do something about it. A few days later we had a huge wind storm and whole section came down! As he has a pool he had to get a new one quickly.

See what I mean?

What is this? I’m not trying to manifest any of this. I’m almost afraid to comment on anything anymore or even think.

Have you had similar occurences? Please join our private FB group to share your stories.

I’m no stranger to manifesting what I need or want but this goes beyond. Normally when manifesting there is intent involved, some emotion or charge and a desire. These events don’t involve any of those attributes.

You may wish to check out some of the other posts on manifesting.

I know we’re going through some very interesting energetic times. Mother Nature is rebelling (some say she’s bipolar now), politics world wide is insane, solar flares, energy shifts…..the list goes on.

I wish I had the answer.

I’ll leave you to ponder…..I have to go work on getting this to work in amazing ways.

If anyone wishes to contact me and speak of fortunes, successes, amazing friendships that would be good.

Let’s see what we can conjure.

Where to find Happiness – be happier now.

Where to find Happiness – be happier now.

Where to find Happiness

Happiness comes from Love & Gratitude

Every day, people buy too much stuff, eat too much food, and waste away their hours chasing after happiness…to no avail. They may find excitement or satiation, but  being TRULY HAPPY still eludes them.


Fortunately, happiness is really inexpensive and pretty simple to find, but that doesn’t mean that it comes easily. However, if you’re bold, and truly willing to commit to a few simple steps, happiness will be yours.  Try this:


  1. Quit Complaining.

The first step to finding happiness is to stop trying to find what’s wrong with the world around you. There’s plenty to complain about, but if you focus all of your attention there, you’ll never see the good stuff.



“Happiness is an inside job – not from “out there”


  1. Choose To Live In Love.

Falling in love with the world (and people) around you is a sure step toward happiness…and it’s easy. Simply accept people for who they are, and choose to see the good in them. Don’t expect it…CHOOSE it…then express it.



  1. Appreciate Everything.

Start expressing your gratitude every day. If you’d like, keep a gratitude journal and write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for every morning. Before long, you’ll have more things to appreciate than you can count.


Becoming happy may mean “looking silly” sometimes or changing A LOT of your current habits, but I promise you…it sure beats the alternative.


What can YOU do to start being truly happy in your life TODAY?

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