Energetic Expression
Modern Day Survival
Are you an Empath or Sensitive – what you need to know
Both are equally awesome and both have their challenges. Take this quiz to find out which you are. READY? If you're local to Central or Southern Ontario, then you're invited. Not Local? I invite you to join us on our Membership Site. Blueprint to...

3 Love Feng Shui Tips You Need to Know
Having practiced and taught Feng Shui since 2005, I had the notion that I actually knew what I was talking about. And yes, I do – the issue is that I don’t listen to myself as often as perhaps I should! Life & Love were good.Everything pertinent in my home is...

5 Reasons Why Making Mistakes Is Good For You
It might sound crazy, but the reality is, making mistakes is indeed good for you. You may be surprised at some of the reasons why, so keep on reading this article to know more! You learn what you need to improve on If you’ve got a checklist of things you need to do...

4 Ways Success will follow Belief in Yourself
We’re all supposed to love ourselves and everyone in their right minds would say they love themselves. But when it comes to success, many people lack the belief that they can actually succeed at anything, which is quite sad, to be honest. So, in this article, you’re...

Comfort Zone Fails – 3 ways to Stop
3 Ways Your Comfort Zone Is Helping You Fail We’ve all got our comfort zones. And to be honest, they are pretty important. It’s where we are able to do the things we love without being worried about what other people will say. It shelters us from the rest of the...

Do You Make These Mistakes which Sabotage Your Happiness?
What if I told you that there is only one person in this world who can hold you back from being truly happy? This person is that powerful. This person has all the capabilities and all the resources needed to prevent you from the happiness that you deserve. Who is this...

4 Steps to Solve Your Age of Aquarius Symptoms
The Age of Aquarius changes bring many signs/symptoms for you to experience with these shifts at some/many levels. Today we'll cover a few physical symptoms. MUSCLE AND JOINT ACHING OR PAIN Increasing your vibration causes energy to course more strongly through...

How To Take The Headache Out Of age of aquarius
The Age of Aquarius is a pain - literally a headache. There are many interpretations of when the Age of Aquarius starts - no doubt you've all been feeling the energy shifts of the past year which seem to be escalating. Seems weird to me as back in the 60's we were...

Instant Manifesting – you are not alone.
Instant Manifesting - can it happen? Think it or speak it and it appears. Are you experiencing strange (or stranger than normal) manifesting? Do you merely speak of or think of something and within a short period of time it happens? Well then..... you are not alone....

Where to find Happiness – be happier now.
Where to find Happiness Happiness comes from Love & Gratitude Every day, people buy too much stuff, eat too much food, and waste away their hours chasing after happiness…to no avail. They may find excitement or satiation, but being TRULY HAPPY still eludes them....