Does Manifesting & Law of Attraction work?

Does Manifesting & Law of Attraction work?

Manifesting & the Law of Attraction

Does it work?

You have seen someone achieve great successes or financial abundance just by manifesting.

It seems like they get everything with little effort and are just plain lucky. But you can do it also because to manifest is to understand the laws of attraction. So how do you do it?

Firstly, the law of attraction.  The law of attraction is when we attract things we want and don’t want. We attract the people in our lives, the stuff in our homes and the money in our bank accounts through our thoughts and feelings.

Do you find that hard to believe? Then think back about the moment when you were thinking of an old friend and a moment later, your phone rings and it is that friend calling? Laws of attraction at work! You have in fact attracted those things to you through your intentions and desires but you have just brushed it off and called it a coincidence.

So how does the law of attraction work?

It goes on the concept of like attracts like. If you send out negative thoughts and you are only focusing on the bad, you are attracting negative energy towards you. However, if you are sending out positive energy and focusing on what you desire, you will be able to attract good and positive things.

How do you make the laws of attraction work for you?      Believe

Firstly, your intention must be congruent in every part of your soul. This will be from the physical, emotional and spiritual aspect. You may desire for money at the surface but deep down spiritually, you seek to experience growth in certain areas.

Secondly, you need to believe! You must not doubt or worry whether you will be able to attract something. Keep this belief until your desires manifest themselves.


Now that you’ve got these two principles down, the more you practice, the easier manifesting comes to you.

Soon you will be manifesting yourself to happiness and prosperity!

Does Manifesting & Law of Attraction work?

A beginners guide to Manifesting

Beginners guide to Manifesting

A beginner’s guide to manifestation


You have many goals and desires but it may be difficult to reach them. Now there is a way for you to achieve them. You need to manifest your desires! Most people find it hard to believe that they can manifest what they want. So how exactly do you manifest your desires? Here’s a few simple steps on how:

Firstly, think about something that you would like to have.

Once you thought of what you want, start visualizing it.

After you have done visualizing, you need to believe

Lastly, don’t let any negative emotions get in the way


Watch the video for full explanation.


Equinox, New Moon, Aries Sun & Mercury Retrograde!

Equinox, New Moon, Aries Sun & Mercury Retrograde!

Spring Equinox, New Moon, Aries Sun & Mercury Retrograde!

We’re at the joining of the energies of Spring Equinox, New Moon and Sun moving into Aries.

Both the Spring Equinox and the Aries sun signify playful energies and the new. 

Get ready to metaphorically and physically start planting our desires and goals.

With the balance of light/dark we also need to balance our activity to our inward journeys.

Note we also have the light/dark balance in the fiery Sun and the no-light of the New Moon.

And how could we forget Mercury Retrograde?  Click here to read that post.


Is your life in balance?  Both for your daily survival and to enable your goals to activate.

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve been indoors much more lately and probably need to get out in nature more.  Fresh air, earth energy, serenity of a forest – all great balancers and stabilizers.

With Easter almost upon us we look to the Earth Goddess Ostara or Eostar, symbol of fertility.

No worries here!  It doesn’t have to mean THAT……. 😉

What should we be doing?

  • Play more
  • Bring light into your home by lighting candles, opening up the curtains to let the sun shine in and consciously direct that light (inner and outer) to anywhere in your life that needs an awakening.
  • Put some fresh flowers in a visible location or near your workspace to bring life to ideas.

Now on to Aries…….. No nonsense – use it or lost it energy.  Aries if fuel for the sun fire.  Think things through, then act.

This window of opportunity on all counts, is a time to be more visible.  Get out more.  Re-connect with people and meet new, tell people about your budding business plans, show the world your uniqueness and your gifts/talents.

Choose one or more (not too many) of the following ideas to utilize the Aries Sun:

In addition to the bullet point above add:

  • Verbalize your desires and needs more
  • Add energy to your goals by taking a little action.
  • Practice Gratitude  See blog post here
  • Strategize and implement.
  • Weed out that which is non-beneficial
  • Learn something new

So what are you waiting for?

Take Action!

How to attract & manifest financial abundance

How to attract & manifest financial abundance

How to attract & manifest financial abundance

You’ve heard of manifesting yourself to abundance and success right?

But did you know you can apply the same principle for financial abundance too?

The most important part of manifesting for financial abundance is to approach it from the right desires Why is it do you want to manifest money?

Do you want this out off greed, neediness, clinginess? Well you will most likely fail in your process.

The best mindset to be in is to generate your manifestation through positivity.


What do we need to know about manifesting abundance?


Firstly you have to know that when you want to manifest money, you have to know that it is already there. All it is doing is just hiding in plain sight waiting for you to notice it. That means that cash and opportunities are right in front of your eyes. All you have to do is look properly and grab that opportunity!

Secondly, you need to detach yourself from your desires. When you are trying to manifest for financial abundance, you have a desire to work hard and gain that money. The more passionate and excited about it, the better as it will make you work harder. However, you also need to be detached from your desires. If you become too attached to your desires, your desires end up swallowing you and you are not getting any more fun from it anymore. You start worrying and stressing out about your desires.

” When you are stressed out, you are not going to be as motivated as before.”

Next, when manifesting money, know that you are in charge of your desires. Don’t let your desires be your master. You need to know that money is not the source of power. You are the source of power and money is just the means that allow you to express your power.

Fourthly, when manifesting money, remember to start small. As week by week goes by you can start working up to larger amounts. Don’t put larger amounts on a pedestal by assuming they are more difficult to manifest. You need to believe you can!

Fifthly, throw away all the negative beliefs. The negative beliefs could be it’s difficult to make money, money is scarce, money is the root of all evil, you are always unlucky. Anyone who has beliefs like that will struggle. Instead use affirmations such as money flows easily into my life. I earn so and so doing something I love. You can also start thinking of all the good that money can do in your life and other people’s life.

In conclusion, it is not difficult to gain financial abundance so start manifesting money NOW.  We have to believe in ourselves, have a goal and clarity, be patient (yes, I struggle with that sometimes as well), accept the baby-steps as a huge step toward our goals.

I believe – do you?


How Intuition could save a senior’s life

How Intuition could save a senior’s life

Ever get these ideas in the middle of nowhere that don’t seem to make sense? Do you ignore them? Let your mind rule the roost?
Read this true account and see why you should pay attention to your Intuition.

The other day I was working away at my computer. I had the clear ‘idea’ that I would go for a walk now. Nope – not falling for that procrastination ploy. A walk would come AFTER I finished the task at hand.

A few minutes later the same urge to go for a walk showed up – stronger this time. Again, I ignored it.

The third time it arrived I said “OK, why not?”. Maybe I need the fresh air and exercise to clear my mind – then I can apply myself to the tasks at hand.

I bundled up – it was a very cold day and set off. Because I had work to do I didn’t walk the waterfront or go to the forest. I just wandered through my neighbourhood. Nice walk – uneventful.


Intuition hits again


When it was time to turn up my street the ‘pull’ to continue a little farther and go in the other way presented. Again, I paused – but then complied.

Not too far along I heard a faint sound from across the road. I couldn’t see anything – thinking I was now, on top of procrastinating, starting to hear voices. I continued a little and heard it again. I stopped and again looked across the road. This time I saw the source of the sound.

We had had massive snowfalls recently and the snowbanks were huge and soft. There in the snowbank a little head and one waving hand became visible. I crossed the road to find a tiny elderly lady had fallen into the snowbank and effective had buried herself.


I first checked to see that she could move a little without pain – wanted to ensure no breaks. I helped her get to her feet (thankfully she was tiny), brought her safely across the road from the mailboxes and then went back to retrieve her dropped mail and house key.
She had been there for quite some time and was frozen right through. This is a quiet suburb and it would have been at least 3 ½ more hours until the after-work crowd may have stopped at the mailboxes. That might have been too late for this lovely lady.

I’m so glad I let the seemingly unrealistic urge to go walking win over to my mindset. I shudder to think that if I hadn’t listened to my intuition I might have heard on the news that night that someone had died of exposure and where. How would I have felt knowing that I could have done something and didn’t?


Where is this Intuition?

Intuitive newsflash

Where do these intuitive messages come from? Various sources I believe. It matters not. I teach in my Intuition Development courses that if a ‘message’ or as I call them “newsflashes” present pay attention. The more out of place, out of character or silly they seem the more you should listen.

If you’d like to learn more about intuition be sure to sign up to receive our emails. Many exciting new projects on the horizon and you do want to be the first to know – don’t you?



Banish the Clutter – where do I start?

Banish the Clutter – where do I start?

Banish the Clutter!

Where do I start?

Banish the Clutter and feel more free.

Everything is attached to you with a constantly tugging string. Clutter is one of the main causes of stale energy in and around a home.

When chi enters your home it can get stuck in crowded corners, overstuffed closets, over-filled drawers or on messy counter tops, behind doors, in purses, in collections.

A good rule to follow is if you don’t like it, don’t need it or haven’t used it in two years, get rid of it.


Ask yourself these questions:


  • Do I love it?
  • Do I need it?
  • Is it essential?
  • Does it enhance my life?


Then sort your things into 3 piles or boxes.


Yes I really need/want this

Someone else can have it

Throw it out


Start small if it seems overwhelming. Start with one dresser drawer or one corner of a room.


Clearing clutter takes time, but is well worth the effort.


The feeling of clarity of mind, good health and sense of accomplishment are very rewarding.


Don’t forget to give yourself frequent rewards also.


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